Uniwersytet Śląski
40-007 Katowice, ul. Bankowa 14

tel/fax (032) 2582976

Tomasz Połacik

Conferences and talks

  1. XXXVIII Konferencja Historii Logiki. 17-18 November 1992, Kraków; UJ.

  2. Sixth Conference of the European Chapter of the Computational Linguistics, EACL'93. 21-23 April 1993, Utrecht; EACL.

  3. Third Kurt Gödel Colloquium, KGC'93. 24-27 August 1993, Brno; Kurt Gödel Society.

  4. XXXIX Konferencja Historii Logiki. 10 November 1993, Kraków; UJ. Intuicjonistyczne operatory zdaniowe i ich interpretacje topologiczne

  5. International Summer School, Marktoberdorf: Proof and Computation. 20 July - 1 August 1993, Marktoberdorf; NATO Science Comeittee & Institute für Informatik Technische Universität München.

  6. XL Konferencja Historii Logiki. 16-17 November 1994, Kraków; UJ.

  7. Conference on Philosophical Logic. Including a Workshop: Navigating Around Inconsistent Structures. 15-16 December 1994, Gent; University of Gent. On Some Nonstandard Intuitionistic Propositional Operators and Their Topological Interpretations.

  8. Complexity, Logic and Recursion Theory. 1995 COLORET Workshop. 2-7 May 1995, Certosa di Pontignano; University of Siena.

  9. International Summer School, Marktoberdorf: Logic of Computation. 25 July - 6 August 1995, Marktoberdorf; NATO Science Comeittee & Institute für Informatik Technische Universität München.

  10. 10th International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science. 19-25 August, Florence; International Union of History and Philosophy of Science. Topological Interpretations of Second Order Intiuitionistic Propositional Logic.

  11. XLI Konferencja Historii Logiki. 25 October 1995, Kraków; UJ. Kwantyfikatory zdaniowe w logice intuicjonistycznej

  12. Zastosowania Logiki w Matematyce i Filozofii. 18-21 April 1996, Karpacz; UWr & UŚ. Pitts' Quantifiers are not Topological Quantification.

  13. AMS-BeNeLux Congress. 22-25 May 1996, Antwerp; American, Belgian, Dutch, Luxemburg Mathematical Societies & University of Antwerp. Pitts' Quantification vs Topological Quantification (23 May 1996). 

  14. XLII Konferencja Historii Logiki. 19-20 November 1996, Kraków; UJ.

  15. Applications of Logic in Philosophy and the Foundations of Mathematics.24-27 kwietnia 1997, Karpacz; Uniwersytet Wroclawski, Uniwersytet Opolski, US.

  16. I Ogólnopolska Konferencja Zastosowan Algebry w Logice i Informatyce. 19-25 maja 1997, Zakopane; WSP Czestochowa. Zanurzenia algebr Heytinga w przestrzenie topologiczne. 

  17. Fifth Kurt Gödel Colloquium. Computational Logic and Proof Theory. August 25-29, 1997, Vienna; Kurt Gödel Society. Propositional Quantification in Intuitionistic Logic.

  18. Warsztaty Logiczno-Filozoficzne. 2-6 September 1997, Górzno; UMK. Kwantyfikacja zdaniowa w logice intuicjonistycznej.

  19. XLIII Konferencja Historii Logiki. 18-19 November 1997, Kraków; UJ.

  20. Third Conference on Applications of Logic in Foundations of Mathematics and Philosophy. May 6-10, 1998, Karpacz, Poland. Models of Heyting Arithmetic.

  21. Second National Conference on Applications of Algebra in Logic and Computer Science. May 18-25, 1998, Zakopane, Poland. Kripke Models of Heyting Arithmetic.

  22. XLIV Logic Conference. November 19-20, 1998, Kraków, Poland. Models of Intuitionistic Arithmetic.

  23. Logic Group Seminary, Opole University. December 15, 1998. Modele arytmetyki intuicjonistycznej.

  24. Logic Colloquium'99. Utrecht, August 1-6 1999. Kripke Models of Arithmetical Theories.

  25. 11th International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science. Kraków, August 20-26 1999. Kripke Models of Arithmetical Theories.

  26. XLV Konferencja Historii Logiki. Kraków, October 26-27 1999. Modele kripkowskie a hierarchia Burra.

  27. Applications of Logic in Philosophy and the Foundations of Mathematics V. Karpacz, May 17-21 2000. Constructing Kripke Models of Arithmetic.

  28. XLVI Konferencja Historii Logiki. Kraków, October 24-25 2000.

  29. Applications of Logic in Philosophy and the Foundations of Mathematics VI. Karpacz, April 25-29 2001. The Maximum Property for Propositional Quantifiers.

  30. Logic Colloquium 2001. Vienna; August 6-11, 2001. Quantifying over propositions in the class of trees.

  31. Summer School on General Algebra and Ordered Sets, 2001.Stara Lesna September 2-8, 2001. Intuitionistic logic, propositional quantification, and the class of trees.

  32. Applications of Logic in Philosophy and the Foundations of Mathematics VII. Polanica Zdrój; April 24-28, 2002. Propositional quantifiers and decidability problems.

  33. Summer School on General Algebra and Ordered Sets, 2002.Liptovsky Mikulas, Slovakia; September 1-6, 2002. An algebraic approach to weak arithmetic.

  34. Warsztaty Logiczno-Filozoficzne. Zawoja, September 23-37, 2002. On some fragments of arithmetic.

  35. XLVIII Konferencja Historii Logiki. Kraków, October 22-23 2002.

  36. VII Ogólnopolska Konferencja Zastosowan Algebry w Logice i Informatyce. March 10-16, 2003, Zakopane-Jaszczurówka. A universal Horn fragment of arithmetic.

  37. Applications of Logic in Philosophy and the Foundations of Mathematics VIII. Karpacz; May 6-10, 2003. An equational fragment of arithmetic.

  38. Colloquium of Department of Mathematics, University of Puerto Rico. Mayaguez, Puerto Rico; October 2003. Constructing models of constructive theories.

  39. SIDIM 2004. Cayey, Puerto Rico; February 27-28, 2004. Kripke models of first-order theories.

  40. Summer School on General Algebra and Ordered Sets, 2004.Mala Moravka, Czech Republic; September 5-11, 2004. Projective formulas via universal Kripke models.

  41. L Konferencja Historii Logiki. Kraków; October 26-27, 2004. A characterization of projective formulas.

  42. IX Ogólnopolska Konferencja Zastosowan Algebry w Logice i Informatyce. March 7-13, 2005, Zakopane-Jaszczurówka. Archetypal Rules or: Who is an Omniscient Agent?

  43. Applications of Logic in Philosophy and the Foundations of Mathematics X.  Szklarska Poręba, May 9-13, 2005. Kripke models of Heyting Arithmetic and its fragments.

  44. Letnia Szkoła Instytutu Matematyki UŚ. Ustroń, September 2005. Arytmetyka intuicjonistyczna.

  45. Applications of Logic in Philosophy and the Foundations of Mathematics XI.  Szklarska Poręba, May 8-12, 2006. Collection schema in intuitionistic aruthmetic.

  46. Logic Colloquium 2006. Nijmegen, the Netherlands, 27 July-2 August, 2006. Partially-elementary extension Kripke models and subtheories of Heyting Arithmetic.

  47. Letnia Szkoła Instytutu Matematyki UŚ. Ustroń, September 2006. Archetypal rules.

  48. Applications of Logic in Philosophy and the Foundations of Mathematics XII.  Szklarska Poręba, May 7-11, 2007. Back and forth between Kripke models.

  49. Logic Colloquium 2007. Wrocław, July 14-19 2007. Back and forth between Kripke models.

  50. Applications of Logic in Philosophy and the Foundations of Mathematics XIII. Szklarska Poreba, 5–9.05.2008. Representing Kripke models in classical structures.

  51. Kolokwium Logiczne Katedry Logiki i Metodologii Nauk Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego (z okazji 20-lecia powstania Wydziału Nauk Społecznych Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego). Wrocław, 27–29.06.2008, Jeszcze jedna charakteryzacja logiki klasycznej.

  52. Letnia Szkoła Instytutu Matematyki UŚ. Wisła, 22–26.09.2008, Modele, formuły i gry.

  53. Applications of Algebra in Logic and Computer Science. Zakopane, 9-15.02.2009, Bisimulation for first order Kripke models.

  54. Applications of Logic in Philosophy and the Foundations of Mathematics XIV. Szklarska Poreba, 20–24.04.2009. Submodels of Kripke models.

  55. Non-Classical Mathematics 2009, Hejnice, Czech Republic, 18-22.06.2009. Games for first-order Kripke models.

  56. Seminarium Zakładu Logiki Stosowanej, Instytut Informatyki Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego. Warszawa, 19.03.2010. Gry dla modeli Kripkego.

  57. Applications of Logic in Philosophy and the Foundations of Mathematics XV. Szklarska Poręba, 4–7.05.2010. Games and Kripke models.

  58. Summer School on General Algebra and Ordered Sets, 2010. Malenovice, Czech Republic; September 4–10.09.2010. Bisimulation and first-order intuitionistic Kripke models.

  59. Applications of Logic in Philosophy and the Foundations of Mathematics XVI. Szklarska Poręba, 9–13.05.2011. Structural Completeness: A Look Back.

  60. Logica 2011. Hejnice, Czech Republic; 20–24.06.2011. Archetypal Rules and Intermediate Logics.

  61. Non-classical logics. Theory and Applications, IV. Łódź, 27–29.09.2011. On submodels and elementary submodels of Kripke models.

  62. Non-classical Modal and Predicate Logics. 5-9.12.2011, Guangzhou, China. Elementary submodels of Kripke models.

  63. Applications of Logic in Philosophy and the Foundations of Mathematics XVII, Szklarska Poręba, 7-11.05.2012. Bisimulation Reducts of Kripke Models for Intuitionistic Predicate Logic.

  64. Applications of Algebra in Logic and Computer Science, Zakopane, 4-9.03.2013. Conservativity: a semantical approach.

  65. Applications of Logic in Philosophy and the Foundations of Mathematics, Szklarska Poręba, 6-10.05.2013. Proving Conservativity by Means of Kripke Models.

  66. Logica 2013, Hejnice, Czech Republic, 17-21.06.2013. Conservativity via Kripke Models.

  67. Kolokwium Logiczne Katedry Logiki i Metodologii Nauk Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego z okazji 25-lecia powstania Wydziału Nauk Społecznych Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego. Wrocław, 14-15.06.2013, O konserwatywności teorii klasycznych nad ich konstruktywnymi odpowiednikami.

  68. Non-Classical Logics, Theory and Applications, Łódź, 4-6.09.2013. A Stronger Version of Conservatibility of Peano Arithmetic over Heyting Arithmetic.

  69. Minikonferencja Środowiskowych Studiów Doktoranckich Nauk Matematycznych, Katowice, 18-19.10.2013. Być albo nie być czyli dygresje logiczno-matematyczne.

  70. Seminarium IM PAN Logiczne Podstawy Arytmetyki, Warszawa, 27.11.2013. Konserwatywność Arytmetyki Peano nad Arytmetyką Heytinga.

  71. Applications of Logic in Philosophy and the Foundations of Mathematics XIX, Szklarska Poręba, 5-9.05.2014. Conservativity of Arithmetic and Its Subtheories

  72. Trends in Logic XIII, Łódź, 2-5.07.2014. Conservativity of Arithmetic

  73. Logic, Algebra and Truth Degrees. Vienna Summer of Logic, Vienna, 16-19.07.2014. A semantic approach to conservativity

  74. XV Warsztaty Logiczne Instytutu Filozofii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego Arytmetyka - Prawdopodobieństwo - Złożoność, Białka Tatrzańska, 3-10.08.2014. O konserwatywniości fragmentów PA nad HA.

  75. Letnia Szkoła Instytutu Matematyki, Podlesice, 22-26.09.2014. Izomorfizm Curry'ego-Howarda.

  76. Interdyscyplinarne Seminarium Granice poznania w filozofii i nauce, Katowice, 14.01.2015. Niesprzeczność, niezupełność, nierozstrzygalność.

  77. Sympozjum Nieskończoność w filozofii i matematyce, Katowice, 15.04.2015. Nieskończoność w matematyce

  78. Applications of Logic in Philosophy and the Foundations of Mathematics, XX, Szklarska Poręba, 4-8.05.2015. Looking for classical counter-models in intuitionistic Kripke structures

  79. Prague Seminar on Non-Classical Mathematics, 2015, Praha, 11-13.06.2015. How to prove conservativity by means of Kripke models

  80. Non-Classical Logic. Theory and Applications. VII, Toruń, 24-26.09.2015. Another approach to conservativity

  81. Applications of Algebra in Logic and Comuter Science XX. Zakopane, 7-13.03.2016. Archetypal Rules (joint work with Lloyd Humberstone, Monash University)

  82. Applications of Logic in Philosophy and the Foundations of Mathematics, XXI, Szklarska Poręba, 9-13.05.2016. Classically Archetypal Rules (joint work with Lloyd Humberstone, Monash University)

  83. Non-Classical Logic. Theory and Applications. VIII, Łódź, 5-7.09.2016. A Characterization of Archetypal Rules (joint work with Lloyd Humberstone, Monash University)

  84. LXII Konferencja Historii Logiki, Kraków, 25-28.10.2016.

  85. Applications of Algebra in Logic and Comuter Science XXI. Zakopane, 20-26.03.2017. Archetypal rules and intermediate logics (joint work with Lloyd Humberstone, Monash University).

  86. Applications of Logic in Philosophy and the Foundations of Mathematics, XXII, Szklarska Poręba, 8-12.05.2017. Archetypal Rules: Beyond Classical Logic (joint work with Lloyd Humberstone, Monash University).

  87. Applications of Algebra in Logic and Computer Science, XXII, Zakopane, 5-11.03.2018. Conservativity of ZF over CZF.

  88. Applications of Logic in Philosophy and the Foundations of Mathematics XXIII, Szklarska Poręba, 7-11.05.2018. Conservativity of Classical Set Theory Over Its Constructive Counterpart.

  89. Logica 2018. Hejnice, Czech Republic, 18-22.06.2018. A Characterization of Classically Archetypal Rules.

  90. Non-Classical Logic. Theory and Applications IX, Toruń, 24-27.09.2018. Conservativity of Classical Set Theory Over Its Constructive Counterpart.