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  1. Andrzej Tomski, The dynamics of enzyme inhibition controlled by piece-wise deterministic Markov process, (2014), "Semigroups of Operators - Theory and Applications, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics", Springer.
  2. Marcin Piechota, Ryszard Przewłocki, Andrzej Tomski, AnnoGene - RESTful web service to annotate genomic features, Journal of Applied Computer Science Methods Vol. 6 No 2 (2014), 101-110.
  3. Andrzej Tomski, The toy model with two strong players in a weighted voting game, Mathematica Applicanda (Matematyka Stosowana) (2014), 259-272.
  4. Ryszard Rudnicki, Andrzej Tomski, On a stochastic gene expression with pre-mRNA, mRNA and protein contribution, Journal of Theoretical Biology 387 (2015), 54-67.
  5. Jan Kaczmarczyk, Andrzej Tomski, Gutzwiller wave function for finite systems: superconductivity in the Hubbard model, Journal of Physics Condensed Matter 28(17) (2016)
  6. Marcin Piechota, Michał Korostyński, Joanna Ficek, Andrzej Tomski, Ryszard Przewłocki, Seqinspector: Position-based navigation through the ChIP-seq data landscape to identify gene expression regulators, BMC Bioinformatics 17(85) (2016).
  7. Andrzej Tomski, Maciej Zakarczemny On some cancellation algorithms, Notes on Number Theory and Discrete Mathematics Volume 23 (2017), 101-114.
  8. Jerzy Szwagrzyk, Anna Gazda, Dorota Dobrowolska , Ewa Chećko, Jakub Zaremba, Andrzej Tomski , Tree mortality after wind disturbance differs among tree species more than among habitat types in a lowland forest in northeastern Poland, Forest Ecology and Management Aug 15; 398 (2017), 174-184.
  9. Andrzej Tomski, Maciej Zakarczemny A note on Browkin and Cao cancellation algorithm, to appear in Technical Transactions Volume 7 (2018).
  10. Jerzy Szwagrzyk, Anna Gazda, Dorota Dobrowolska, Ewa Chećko, Jakub Zaremba, Andrzej Tomski , Natural regeneration following wind disturbance increases the diversity of managed lowland forests in NE Poland, accepted to Journal of Vegetation Science (2018).
  11. Jerzy Szwagrzyk, Anna Gazda, Zbigniew Maciejewski, Ewa Maciejewska, Andrzej Tomski , Forest recovery in a set-aside windthrow is facilitated by fast growth of advance regeneration., on minor revision stage in Annals of Forest Science (2018).
  12. Paweł Klimasara, Michael Mackey, Andrzej Tomski, Marta Tyran-Kamińska Stochastic Liouville equation for a model of gene expression., in preparation.
  13. Ryszard Rudnicki, Andrzej Tomski Asymptotic stability of subtilin production model., in preparation.

Katowice, June 2018.